Records of Natural Products

Records of Natural Products

Bioreactor Cultivation of Zeltnera beyrichii (Torr. & A. Gray) Mans.: A Novel Source of Biologically Active Compounds

Yazarlar: Miloš Radović, Branislav Šiler, Jasmina Nestorović Živković, Tijana Banjanac, Suzana Živković, Miloš Nikolić, Marina Soković Danijela Mišić

Cilt 7 , Sayı 4 , 2013 , Sayfalar 266 - 280


Anahtar Kelimeler:Zelnera beyrichii,Temporary immersion bioreactors,Secoiridoid glycosides,Xanthones,Antioxidant activity,Antimicrobial activity.

Özet: With regard to world’s increasing demand for biologically active compounds, a novel source of xanthones and secoiridoid glycosides has been studied . Zeltnera beyrichii (Torr. & A. Gray) Mans., an insufficiently acknowledged North American medicinal plant species, may be considered a pharmacological substitute for commercial C. erythraea Rafn, since it accumulates in aerial parts nearly the same amount of secoiridoid glycosides: swertiamarin, gentiopicrin, and sweroside (13.76, 7.56, and 0.17 mmol per 100 g dry weight, respectively) in plants grown under greenhouse condition, and a considerable amount of xanthones: decussatin and eustomin. Additionally, Z. beyrichii produced as much biomass during cultivation in RITA ® temporary immersion bioreactors as greenhouse-grown plants, in a third of the time. Plants grown in bioreactors contained moderate levels of total phenolics and total flavonoids, and possessed modest antioxidant activity and antimicrobial potential against eight bacterial and eight fungal species. Therefore, this species may be highly recommended for cultivation either in natural environment, or in bioreactors under in vitro conditions, for producing compounds of interest of modern pharmacology and food industry.

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@article{2013, title={Bioreactor Cultivation of Zeltnera beyrichii (Torr. & A. Gray) Mans.: A Novel Source of Biologically Active Compounds}, volume={7}, number={266–280}, publisher={Records of Natural Products}, author={Miloš Radović, Branislav Šiler, Jasmina Nestorović Živković, Tijana Banjanac, Suzana Živković, Miloš Nikolić, Marina Soković  Danijela Mišić}, year={2013} }
Miloš Radović, Branislav Šiler, Jasmina Nestorović Živković, Tijana Banjanac, Suzana Živković, Miloš Nikolić, Marina Soković  Danijela Mišić. (2013). Bioreactor Cultivation of Zeltnera beyrichii (Torr. & A. Gray) Mans.: A Novel Source of Biologically Active Compounds (Vol. 7). Vol. 7. Records of Natural Products.
Miloš Radović, Branislav Šiler, Jasmina Nestorović Živković, Tijana Banjanac, Suzana Živković, Miloš Nikolić, Marina Soković  Danijela Mišić. Bioreactor Cultivation of Zeltnera Beyrichii (Torr. & A. Gray) Mans.: A Novel Source of Biologically Active Compounds. no. 266–280, Records of Natural Products, 2013.