Bilgi Yönetimi
Yazarlar: Bahattin YALÇINKAYA
Konular:Bilgi, Belge Yönetimi
Anahtar Kelimeler:Social Media,Digital Archive,Web Archiving,Social Media Archiving
Özet: With the spread of network technologies, connecting computers at an ever-increasing pace has enabled a huge ocean of information to form over time. As a natural consequence of this development, people, like computers, have become parts of the electronic network. This situation can provide the valuable consideration of the concept of social media, which has been increasing since 2000s and is one of the indispensable elements of the internet today. Social media contents, which has remarkable rate of increment not only individually, but also officially and institutionally, is changing in a dynamic structure constantly, involves an important point concerning the literature on information and records management (or archiving): Organization of data and information, or in other words, the order and preserving of digital data. This environment, which contains an archiving process that cannot be met by the requirements of the classical archive theory, is completely archived by its own methods. Separation of social media content, a special type of digital data and information, differs from the web archiving logic by nature, seen as the main challenge in archiving and protecting this data and information. In this study, firstly, the importance of social media, its theories of usage and its relationship with e-government were mentioned; differences with web archiving logic, archiving contents and basic difficulties encountered in this process and international social media archiving studies conducted in the United States, China and the United Kingdom were evaluated.
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