Current Perspectives on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CUPMAP)

Current Perspectives on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CUPMAP)

Antibacterial Effect of Methanolic Extract of Saffron Petal (Crocus sativus L.) on Some Standard Gram Positive and Gram Negative Pathogenic Bacteria In vitro

Yazarlar: Abolfazl JAFARI-SALES, Mehrdad PASHAZADEH

Cilt 3 , Sayı 1 , 2020 , Sayfalar 1 - 7



Anahtar Kelimeler:Medicinal Plants,Pathogenic Bacteria,Extract,Antimicrobial Effects

Özet: Background: Nowadays, increasing antibiotic resistance of bacteria has provided the opportunity to replace herbal remedies with fewer side effects than conventional medicines; therefore, in this study, the antibacterial effects of methanolic extract of saffron petal against Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli strains were evaluated. Materials and Methods: In this in vitro study, after collecting the saffron plant and confirming its scientific name, the saffron petal extract was prepared in concentrations of 20 mg/ml to 400 mg/ml. Then the antimicrobial effects of this extract were investigated by well diffusion and tube dilution method.  Results: The results showed that the methanolic extract of saffron petal had antibacterial effects on the tested bacteria in both tube dilution and well diffusion methods. The highest effect was observed in S. aureus and the least in P. aeruginosa.  Conclusion: Based on the above results, it can be hoped that Saffron petals extract can be used in the treatment of bacterial infections and can be a suitable replacement for conventional chemical drugs in the treatment of infections.

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@article{2020, title={Antibacterial Effect of Methanolic Extract of Saffron Petal (Crocus sativus L.) on Some Standard Gram Positive and Gram Negative Pathogenic Bacteria In vitro}, volume={3}, number={1–7}, publisher={Current Perspectives on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CUPMAP)}, author={Abolfazl JAFARI-SALES,Mehrdad PASHAZADEH}, year={2020} }
Abolfazl JAFARI-SALES,Mehrdad PASHAZADEH. (2020). Antibacterial Effect of Methanolic Extract of Saffron Petal (Crocus sativus L.) on Some Standard Gram Positive and Gram Negative Pathogenic Bacteria In vitro (Vol. 3). Vol. 3. Current Perspectives on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CUPMAP).
Abolfazl JAFARI-SALES,Mehrdad PASHAZADEH. Antibacterial Effect of Methanolic Extract of Saffron Petal (Crocus Sativus L.) on Some Standard Gram Positive and Gram Negative Pathogenic Bacteria In Vitro. no. 1–7, Current Perspectives on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CUPMAP), 2020.