Türk Dünyası Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi Yenidoğan Dergisi
Yazarlar: M. Arif AKŞİT
Anahtar Kelimeler:Humanity,WomRight is the First Right
Özet: Mother, as a representation of all the humanity value; family and communal, and also mother, have to be considered as the supreme rights at human being, grounded from the Universal Human Rights and all other Ethical and Legal aspects. This biological, social and cultural fact must be accepted as a reality of the humanity as truth. Father is to serve and respect the concept of mother and maternity. This Declaration is just commended of this fact; “Mother’s Rights is the Supreme Right”. To be mother and delivery a baby, must be native right for women. For each mother and her baby, must take; health and social and cultural care and serve for human growth and development as a member of the humanity. This aspect has to be obligated by the Governmental duty. Protect from abusing mother and maternity, in every manner, including commercial presentations and other aspects. Motherhood, covers and grounded the supreme abstract, moral, noble aspects; ethics, beliefs, altruism, embracement, religion, love and to be loved. Abusing in motherhood, is not just Concepts causing harm and destructive for structurally, but mainly on developing and formation and perception of abstract, humanity aspects.