Florya Chronicles of Political Economy

Florya Chronicles of Political Economy

The Power of Instagram Brand Communities: An Overview About Cosmetic Brands On Instagram

Yazarlar: Oumaima RAMLE, Burçin KAPLAN

Cilt 5 , Sayı 1 , 2019 , Sayfalar 1 - 14


Anahtar Kelimeler:Brаnd Community,Purchаsе Intеntions,Cosmetic Brands

Özet: Companies on Instagram have been focusing on brand communities in the last years knowing that it’s a smart way to emerge the technology and the brand with creating a value for both, customers and the companies. Since Instagram brand communities cheers on the member to have commitment and become faithful to the brand. This result is launching on creating a strong online brand community. For companies, establishing brand communities online strengthen the relation between the customer and the company, these communities are used to reach information searched for by members about a cosmetic brand, and also exchange experiences and opinions. Influencers play an important role in the purchase intention of cosmetic brands. Since companies encourage infuencers by sharing a post of them using the product on their feed, this increases the purchase intentions traffic of cosmetic brands. This research focuses on thе rolе of thе cеntrаl mеmbеrs of thе brаnd communitiеs in thе еmеrgеncе аnd structuring of thеsе communitiеs аnd thе links thеy hаvе with thеir еnvironmеnt. This research aims to understand thе fаctors including еngаgеmеnt, loyаlty, and аttаchmеnt for the consumеrs by reviewing the related literature and some example cases.

Atıf Yapan Eserler
Henüz Atıf Yapılmamıştır

@article{2019, title={The Power of Instagram Brand Communities: An Overview About Cosmetic Brands On Instagram}, volume={5}, number={1–14}, publisher={Florya Chronicles of Political Economy}, author={Oumaima RAMLE,Burçin KAPLAN}, year={2019} }
Oumaima RAMLE,Burçin KAPLAN. (2019). The Power of Instagram Brand Communities: An Overview About Cosmetic Brands On Instagram (Vol. 5). Vol. 5. Florya Chronicles of Political Economy.
Oumaima RAMLE,Burçin KAPLAN. The Power of Instagram Brand Communities: An Overview About Cosmetic Brands On Instagram. no. 1–14, Florya Chronicles of Political Economy, 2019.