R&S - Research Studies Anatolia Journal
Yazarlar: Özge ERCAN
Anahtar Kelimeler:Brand Loyalty,Brand Preference,Markov Chains,Stochastic Processes
Özet: Markov chains, a kind of stochastic processes, are applied in unpredictable processes. As a mathematical model, it can be used in many fields in social sciences. The purpose of this study is to determine the sports shoe brand preferences of young consumers via this model. For the analysis of Markov chains, young consumers between the ages of 14-19 living in Ankara have been included in the study. A total of 217 participants include 47% (N = 102) men and 53% (N = 115) women. As a result of the research, brand loyalty for sports shoes is the highest Nike brand with “0.4483”. The probabilities of choosing the same brand have been calculated as 36.11% for Adidas, 18.18% for Reebok, 33.33% for Skechers, 14.29% for Puma and 11.11% for New Balance. In the long term, the young people expectations of the preference for the sports shoes have been calculated via Markov chains model as 33,02% Nike, 30,47% other brands, 23,32% Adidas, 4,42% Puma, 3,72% New Balance, 1,87% Converse, 1.49% Skechers, 0.9% Reebok and 0.8% Asics sports shoes”.
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