Turkish Medical Student Journal
Yazarlar: Murathan Berber, Kübra Gökçe, Koray Demirci, Furkan Yiğitbilek, Ahmet Emin, Mahmut Alper Güldağ, Öznur Yumurtacı, Cansu Kurt, Mehmet Can Keyfoğlu, Nur Gülce İşkan, İdil Memiş, Aslı Nur Özkan, Okan Çalıyurt
Anahtar Kelimeler:Depression,Sleep quality,Social anxiety disorder,Medical residency
Özet: Aims: The purpose of this study is to determine and evaluate the depression, sleep quality and social anxiety levels among medical residents at Trakya University Hospital.Methods: This questionnaire study was conducted among 105 voluntary medical residents at Trakya University Hospital. Beck Depression Inventory, Pitssburgh Sleep Quality Index and Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale was used to assess depression, sleep quality and social phobia. As for statistical analyses, chi-square, Kruskal Wallis and Mann Whitney Tests were used for analyzing categorical and continuous data.Results: It was found out that 39% of them had depressive symptoms ranging from “mild depressive” to “very severe depressive”, when 14.3% had poor sleep quality and 87.6% had social anxiety symptoms ranging from “moderate social anxiety” to “very severe social anxiety”. Beck Depression Score for surgical residents was significantly higher than basic sciences residents, when female residents had a significantly higher score for social anxiety in comparison with male residents.Conclusion: The prevalence of depression, poor sleep quality and social anxiety among residents was found to be higher than expected which might be due to stress, heavy workload and lifestyle of physicians