International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science
Yazarlar: Anel A Kireyeva
Anahtar Kelimeler:Cluster Information Technology IT Cluster Regional Development
Özet: The aim of this research is to develop new theoretical approaches of the formation of IT clusters in order to strengthen of trend of the innovative industrialization and competitiveness of the country. Keeping with the previous literature, this study determines by the novelty of the problem, concerning the formation of IT clusters, which can become a driving force of transformation due to the interaction, improving efficiency and introducing advanced technology. In this research, we used conceptual approach employs the study of different conceptual views of scientists on a specific research object; structured approach involves determination of properties of a whole object by identifying the different relationships; system approach aims to develop research methods and design of complex objects – systems of different types. This study allows to conclude that IT-clusters will be most effective when they evolve naturally, originating under the action of internal forces of consolidation of innovative, information and communications infrastructure (industrial parks, techno polis, research laboratories and business incubators, formation of soft infrastructure), that can help to find quick, innovative and creative ways to solve problems.
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