International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences
Yazarlar: Ayesha BUTT, Durdana KHOSA, Mehwish MALGHANİ, Maria KHOSA, Rabia BUKHARİ
Anahtar Kelimeler:-
Özet: Demotivation is a great impediment to language learning, especially in Pakistan where English language learners face a lot of demotivating factors due to the dichotomy in the educational structure of the country. Current study is an attempt to explore the factors that are perceived as demotivating factors in learning of English as L2 by Sardar Bahadur Khan Women’s University students due to their different mediums of education. The collected data was analyzed to find out the statistically significant difference of opinion which may exist in the response of English medium and non-English medium students. The sample of the study responded to the adapted version of Ali Al-Khairy (2013) questionnaire. This study is supported by Deci & Ryan (1985) “Self-determination theory (SDT)”. The factors investigated include, English teacher’s behavior; teaching methodology; classroom environment, student’s lack of self-confidence; student’s negative perception of English; less exposure to English; tough English vocabulary and grammar. The findings revealed that there is a statistically significant difference in opinion between English medium and non-English medium students regarding demotivating factors. English medium students do not consider teachers’ decreased use of English, negative response of their friends, spellings and grammar as demotivating factors. On the contrary, non-English medium consider these factors as demotivating and discouraging. Keywords: De-motivation, Motivation, EFL learners, Demotivating factors, English Medium (EM), Non English Medium (NEM).