International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences
Yazarlar: Venelin TERZİEV, Nikolay NİCHEV
Anahtar Kelimeler:Military training,Training of cadets
Özet: The profession of military service officer is regarded by the society as a part of professional fulfilment in life imposed the execution of the profession by making rational management decisions and possessing a high degree of competence and skills in modern management of military teams. The officer is a leader with undivided personal authority, who takes full responsibility for the training and combat readiness of the personnel from the military unit entrusted to him. The training and education of cadets at the Vasil Levski National Military University is directed towards professional, intellectual, physical and moral development, and creation of leadership and management skills. They are focus on forming knowledge, skills, and moral and volitional qualities. It can be noticed a trend of increasing graduates from the Vasil Levski National Military University with inadequate training in modern military management. Therefore, a priority task of the management and academic staff of the Vasil Levski National Military University and at the same time - one of the main directions for scientific research must be to increase the preparedness of the future logistics officers for management activities.
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