International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences
Yazarlar: Noor Saazai MAT SAAD, Fariza PUTEH-BEHAK, Ramiaida DARMİ, Haliza HARUN, Suriani MOHD ALİ, Rosni SAMAH
Anahtar Kelimeler:Ecology of Human Development Theory,English language learning experiences,International Students,Malaysia
Özet: Bronfenbrenner’s (1977; 1986; 1994) Ecology of Human Development Theory has placed a few groups of people in the microsystem level (the innermost circle) to have influence on the development of a person. This paper puts forth a proposition of altering the groups of people in conjunction with globalization. This is so due to the movement of people to other countries in the pursuance of knowledge. Through a qualitative paradigm, the data from a study on the international students’ English language learning experiences show that for these students, the groups of people who have been helpful in their quest to learn the English language are their friends, teachers/lecturers, other international students and even anyone who is able to converse in the English language. The interviews and online postings of 9 international students studying in Malaysia reveal that the family members, who have been rated as playing the biggest role in the development of a person in Bronfenbrenner’s theory, are considered as ‘unhelpful’ in the students’ journey to learn the English language. Thus, globalisation is a phenomenon that can bring in various elements that might cause alteration – expansion to even a long withstanding theory. This brings only richness to the education world.