International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences
Yazarlar: Dametken KURMANBAEVA, Batima ZHUMAGULOVA
Anahtar Kelimeler:Space,Time,Spatial-temporal continuum,Cognitive linguistics,Concept,Chronotop,Cognitive-matrix model,Genre,Picture of the world,Language picture of the world
Özet: This article considers the problem of spatial-temporal continuum within the framework of cognitive linguistics. The spatial-temporal continuum is viewed as an inseparable element of the picture of the world. The cognitive-matrix model allows to present a cognitive perception of a formal-substantial category of the literary ‘chronotop’ (M.M. Bakhtin) in the form of the concept “spatial-temporal continuum” as an organizational centre of the whole cognitive structure of the novel, determining its genre-type variety. According to the given approach, the cognitive-matrix model of spatial-temporal continuum develops the components which determine the main plot in K. Ishiguro’s novel ‘The Buried Giant”. The integrative complicated concept ‘spatial-temporal continuum’ as a cognitive matrix represented in the system of cognitive contexts (structures of knowledge) includes concepts (memory –mist, path, journey) which belong to different conceptual fields and correlate with the past, present and future. The border between them is very fragile, transitions from one continuum to another can be made instantly. The peculiarity of K.Ishiguro's novel is in the parallel existence of several temporal-spatial models: natural, socio-cultural, philosophical-historical, mythological and others.