International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences
Yazarlar: Venelin TERZİEV, Stoyanka PETKOVA - GEORGİEVA
Anahtar Kelimeler:Toxic impact,Human health condition,Pesticides,Ecosystem
Özet: Over the years, pesticides have been accumulated, particularly in the ecosystem of the developing countries. Most of them are with the expiate date of use though constitutes and are a serious threat with its toxic impact on the human health and environment. Besides, the stockpiles of obsolete pesticides are stored in the open air or in inappropriate storage conditions. Containers are often inadequate and leaking or corroded, though contaminated the drinking water sources and irrigation schemes. There are various methods for adequate disposal of obsolete pesticides but are generally costly and require expert knowledge. The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations (UN) is implementing a Programme on Prevention and Disposal of Obsolete in ecosystem of the developing countries to provide them with the adequate tools to sound management of pesticides. The management of pesticides in developing countries need to be improved trough an effective control over the agricultural and public health pesticides, their application in agriculture and public health, the disposal of obsolete stocks and empty pesticide containers, storage facilities, public information, environmental protection, regulation and its enforcement. The present study provides an overview of the disposal of obsolete pesticides in the ecosystem of the developing countries and means of prevention its accumulation in order to decrease their toxic impact on the human health.
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