International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences
Yazarlar: Margarita BOGDANOVA
Anahtar Kelimeler:Policies,Social development,Social policies,Programmes,Perspective
Özet: The social subject-matter in the management theory and practice has been dominant during the last years. The reasons for this are most different - the increasing asymmetries in the living standard of particular groups of society, the dynamic, even turbulent, changes in some areas of development, which create risks which are increasingly more difficult to overcome, particularly for vulnerable groups, and last but not least - the politicians’ desire to give a quick, though not always an adequate reply to the social challenges. The manner of carrying out these policies is an additional problem. It is an elementary truth that there is no way they can simultaneously solve all problems of society. Therefore it is a question of priorities, i.e. of sectoral and local policies, the choice of objectives and means of achieving significant results.