PERCEPTIONS: Journal of International Affairs

PERCEPTIONS: Journal of International Affairs

THE CYPRUS QUESTION: A Concise Guide to the History Politics and Law of the Cyprus Question

Yazarlar: Seymen ATASOY

Cilt 5 , Sayı 2 , 2000 , Sayfalar 0 - 0


Anahtar Kelimeler:-

Özet: Michael Stephen’s The Cyprus Question is a rigorously documented and comprehensive survey of the historical, legal, political, economic and cultural aspects of the Cyprus problem. The study convincingly demonstrates that the world community generally perceives the Cyprus issue in a strongly biased fashion, which clearly favours the Greek side while doing serious injustice to the Turkish one. Stephen sets out to correct this distortion by analysing in detail how the Greek Cypriots gradually convinced the international community to adopt a misleading interpretation of the dispute.Two elements of this socially constructed reality stand

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@article{2000, title={THE CYPRUS QUESTION: A Concise Guide to the History Politics and Law of the Cyprus Question}, volume={5}, number={2}, publisher={PERCEPTIONS: Journal of International Affairs}, author={Seymen ATASOY}, year={2000}, pages={0–0} }
Seymen ATASOY. (2000). THE CYPRUS QUESTION: A Concise Guide to the History Politics and Law of the Cyprus Question (Vol. 5, pp. 0–0). Vol. 5, pp. 0–0. PERCEPTIONS: Journal of International Affairs.
Seymen ATASOY. THE CYPRUS QUESTION: A Concise Guide to the History Politics and Law of the Cyprus Question. no. 2, PERCEPTIONS: Journal of International Affairs, 2000, pp. 0–0.