PERCEPTIONS: Journal of International Affairs

PERCEPTIONS: Journal of International Affairs

Globalization, Modernity and Democracy- Turkish Foreign Policy 2009 and Beyond

Yazarlar: E Fuat KEYMAN

Cilt 15 , Sayı 2 , 2010 , Sayfalar 1 - 20


Anahtar Kelimeler:Pro-active foreign policy,The post-9/11 world,Globalization,Democratization,Modernization,Turkey-EU relations.

Özet: The end of the Cold War meant the end of the ‘buffer state’ identity of Turkish foreign policy – an identity which was based mainly on the geopolitical position of Turkey in world politics. Since the 1990s, Turkey has been in search of a new identity, which has required a much more active and constructive foreign policy behavior. Furthermore, as the world has become more globalized, more interdependent, and more risky, having “strategic depth,” this new foreign policy identity entailed the employment of not only geopolitics but also identity and economy. Thus, geopolitics, modernity and democracy have become the constitutive dimensions of Turkish foreign policy today. This development in Turkey’s foreign policy identity and behavior has been perceived in global academic and public discourse as Turkey becoming a “key and pivotal actor of world politics.” This paper explores the ways in which Turkish foreign policy would become effective and achieves its main aim, that is, to contribute to the creation of a fair, better, and democratic global governance

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@article{2010, title={Globalization, Modernity and Democracy- Turkish Foreign Policy 2009 and Beyond}, volume={15}, number={2}, publisher={PERCEPTIONS: Journal of International Affairs}, author={E Fuat KEYMAN}, year={2010}, pages={1–20} }
E Fuat KEYMAN. (2010). Globalization, Modernity and Democracy- Turkish Foreign Policy 2009 and Beyond (Vol. 15, pp. 1–20). Vol. 15, pp. 1–20. PERCEPTIONS: Journal of International Affairs.
E Fuat KEYMAN. Globalization, Modernity and Democracy- Turkish Foreign Policy 2009 and Beyond. no. 2, PERCEPTIONS: Journal of International Affairs, 2010, pp. 1–20.