Journal of Analytic Divinity

Journal of Analytic Divinity

İnsanı Anlamada Farklı Yaklaşımlar: Psikanaliz, Şizoanaliz ve Nefs Kavramı Bağlamında Psikolojik Tahliller

Yazarlar: ["Ferruh KAHRAMAN"]

Cilt - , Sayı Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1 , 2023 , Sayfalar -



Anahtar Kelimeler:Psikoloji,İnsan,Nefs,Psikanaliz,Şizoanaliz,Anlama.

Özet: The subject of the study is the definition of human beings by Islāmic sciences, psychoanalysis and schizoanalysis approaches. Its problem is that the ways in which modern and postmodern theories treat people are corporeal, and it seems that these definitions are insufficient. Then, modern and postmodern theories neclect human spiritual traits like nafs, soul, mind will and sevitude aspect. Its aim is to evaluate the individual analyses of psychoanalysis and schizoanalysis and to question the nature of man again with a more holistic understanding based on the definition of the self in Islām. The aim of the study is to complement the missing spiritual side of modern and postmodern approaches that provide very important data on human recognition and understanding with the definition of human understanding of Islāmic science. In this way, human existence will be considered from different perspectives and better human definitions will be reached with comparisons and criticisms. The importance of the work is that human understanding of Islāmic, modern and postmodern theories, which are three different scientific paradigms, being examined all together. Many approaches such as structuralism, gestalt, functionalism, behaviorism and psychoanalysis have been developed in order to define and understand human in the modern period. In the postmodern period, theories such as biological, neuroscientific, evolutionary, psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, humane, sociocultural, eclectic and schizoanalysis were developed by emphasizing the shortcomings of the previous approaches. In the tradition of Islāmic sciences, it has been conscientiously taken to define and as a result of these explanations, it has been tried to explain the human being, especially in the context of the self, soul, heart, mind, will and its synonyms.

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