Academic Knowledge
Yazarlar: ["Gamze KAVAK", "Ümmühan KAYGISIZ"]
Anahtar Kelimeler:Plutarkhos,Paralel Yaşamlar,Biyografi,Karşılaştırma,Yunan
Özet: This series, which is thought to have been written between 105-115 AD, includes 23 double and 4 single biographies. In Plutarch's Lives series, popular statesmen in Ancient Greece and Rome, generals, military commanders, the most famous orators of the period, leaders and philosophers, who have come to the fore throughout history and left their mark in history, whose strategies are taught in schools today, are discussed with their common and rare characteristics, matched and compared. has been done. The aim of the study is to reveal the basic concepts, approaches, ideologies and political institutions in political science by taking Plutarch's Lives as a main reference and to emphasize the source-forming role of biography in political science. The data collected through content analysis were examined in detail. Detailed text analysis was made and a new integrity was created from this information. The findings, in general, include democracy, centralization of political authority, class segregation, laws on women and family, tyranny, justice, social classification, extrajudicial execution, machiavellianism, aristocracy, utopian socialism, key concepts in political science, ideology, law, public administration, state. It provides important data from other aspects, such as management and military context.