Academic Knowledge
Yazarlar: ["Ahmet EVİS"]
Anahtar Kelimeler:Necip Fazıl Kısakürek,"Feza Pilotu",Anti-oryantalizm,Poetik Mütekabiliyet
Özet: Necip Fazıl Kısakürek (1904-1983), one of the essential poets of the Turkish literature of the Republican Period, gained fame in a short period, not only for the works he wrote but also for his identity as a litigator. He achieved originality, especially with the various works he published between 1923 and 1940, and as a voice opposed to the general conjuncture of his time, he made remarkable efforts to keep the Islamic discourse dominant. A prolific artist, Kısakürek wrote works in many genres such as novels, plays, essays, particularly poetry, and explained his views on ideology and belief. He shaped his poetic world with an anti-orientalist attitude by glorifying the spiritual sensitivity of the East against the positivist hegemony of the West, by turning to a divine sensibility from material to meaning, from worldly pleasures to a divine sensitivity, along with the breaking stage in which he got closer to religion in his understanding of art. In this study, the semantic world of the poem "Feza Pilotu" has been tried to be analyzed around the poetic understanding of Necip Fazıl Kısakürek. As a method, the descriptive method was preferred, and evaluations were made on the focus of the poet, text, and sociological variables. Based on the analyzes made and the findings obtained, it has been determined that there is a consistent and organic connection between Kısakürek's "Feza Pilotu" poem and his poetic understanding.