Academic Knowledge
Yazarlar: Veysel ÖZDEMİR
Anahtar Kelimeler:Islam,Sunnah,Hadith,Interpretation,Meaning
Özet: The understanding and interpretation of hadiths has always been on the agenda throughout history of Islam. In this regard, the Islamic scholars have developed many principles that can be considered procedural. Regarding to these principles, methodologies were formed and the works were written One of the two main headlines of the hadith sciences (Rivayatu’l-Hadith, Dirayatu’l-Hadith) constitutes this area. The tradition of interpretation of the hadith is precisely about the efforts to understand the hadiths and this tradition has been contribute to understand the hadiths uninterruptedly since the (hijri) fourth century. Interpretation and understanding of the hadith is based on a series of processes performed on the text. Any impatient interpretation of these actions will be defective and will lead to misjudgments. So at first glance when we encounter a hadith, we should not make hasty and impatiently comments because of our minds, our worldview, culture, society and geography we live in, or our habits, etc. In this article, it is tried to be explained with the examples that the hadiths are not evaluated in a hasty, and the systematic way of acting according to the rules of hadith. In this article it is tried to be explained the examples that the hadiths are not evaluated in a hasty, and the systematic way of acting according to the rules of hadith.
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